With a height of 48 storeys, the tower contains the headquarters of the Montreal Stock Exchange, on Victoria Square, in the centre of the city’s International Quarter. The building was constructed in 1963-64 with a joint design by the Italian architect Luigi Moretti and Pier Luigi Nervi, for the structural engineering. The tower is considered one of the finest works of the period between the International Style and Postmodernism. For the recent renovation of the interiors, the large helical staircase has been refurbished with a remarkable installation by Barovier&Toso, entirely created to measure. The chandelier takes on force and grandeur thanks to its vertical design and lively colours. The structure is composed of about 3000 square tubes made by hand in Venetian Crystal with a bark-like surface, precious parts that extend like a cascade of luminous boughs.
PHOTO: Stépan Poulin
REFERENCES: Bespoke suspension